“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said,
rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

John 7:38 NIV 


What is deeper?

We are inviting you to take a 21 day challenge, to focus on four key personal practices that will deepen and fortify you and build you within a strong spiritual family.  


Four practices: one each for your head, hearT, hands, and feet.

Click below each image to learn more about that specific practice



Read one chapter of scripture daily

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Practice #1: Read one chapter of Scripture per day

The Habit:

Reflectively read one chapter of scripture each day and reflect on its meaning in your life. (Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians)

The Why:

We believe that He speaks to us and that He uses the words of scripture to teach us about himself, about ourselves and His purposes in this world. This protects us from the untrue thoughts and ideas generated by a world that opposes his love and leadership. Our hope for a direction that honors his loving care and purpose in the world is to grow in our knowledge of Him and his truth.

The How:

  1. Pick a moment of each day that you will do this. Some choose scripture before screen. (I personally like that commitment.) Others like to conclude their day this way. Choose something that works.

  2. Choose a location for your Bible and keep it in the same place to develop a routine. We would suggest choosing a Bible in a more modern translation so that it sounds less like Shakespearean English and more like how you'd speak today. (Unless you're really into Shakespearean English, in which case, go for it!) Many people enjoy reading an online Bible through a smartphone app like YouVersion. (It's free.)

  3. Start with Galatians and read one chapter a day. Then proceed to Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians.

  4. Use a bookmark of some sort and keep it where you left off.

  5. To go a little deeper and to assist in your learning process, underline verses that are particularly meaningful to you and use a journal to record what you are learning and the questions that the passage provokes in you. If you are using the YouVersion, highlight verses and share them with us on social media.




Pray in posture at three set times each day

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Practice #2: Praying with posture morning, afternoon, and evening

The Habit:

Focused, reflective prayer three times per day. First thing in the morning, middle of the day and then in the evening at the end of the day.

The Why:

We frame our lives acknowledging and responding to the active presence of Jesus by His Spirit in our lives. In doing so, we draw closer to Him and understand his purpose for our lives and access His power in our lives.

The How:

  1. Each morning, upon waking or ASAMP (As Soon As Mentally Possible), position yourself physically to pray (favorite chair, kneeling, etc), beginning with worship, adding confession and calling upon God for the concerns which you carry. If you can, pray even before you get out of bed!

  2. Each midday, set an alarm and at that alarm, change your position (go for a walk, raise your hands, kneel) and assess your physical emotional state. Acknowledge your need for God and ask for his strength to carry and manage the emotions your heart is feeling and the burdens you have picked up during the day. Ask God to give you peace from which to act.

  3. Each evening, Do a gratitude inventory, reflecting on what is right in the world. Note regrets or growing resentments to confess. Focus your heart on celebrating what is right and honoring what brought sadness.

Need some examples to help you get started?

  • Pray on your knees when leaving bed and before you return to bed.

  • Set a timer at the middle of each day to take a walk or stand up and pray with hands raised.

  • During the midday prayer, take note of your emotions, thoughts, and physical response to your day so far. Surrender your thoughts and emotions to Jesus.

Then what:

Listen and notice the opportunities you find in front of you. Learn from these pauses and consider how God is leading you in the experience of His love, goodness and purpose.



Extend yourself to one person daily in an extra-ordinary way

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Practice #3: Extend yourself to one person each day in an extraordinary way

The Habit:

Each day, find one person to extend yourself to in kindness, concern, love and action in a way that is above your ordinary pattern of life.

The Why:

  • The number one command of scripture that is consistent from beginning to end is the command, “do not fear.” Fear is an emotion that turns you inward and diminishes you from reflecting the image of God to others. Fear spins the truth and causes you to look on the world as if God is not in control over it and that you have to play the role of God in protecting yourself.

  • You and I are not God and He is much better at protecting us than we are. The call to us in the face of fear to is to live differently. The call isn’t to live recklessly but faithfully.

  • “You have not been given a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline (2 Tim 1:7). We practice courage by engaging in efforts to demonstrate empathy, love and generosity.

  • Doing things like this helps shape us into people marked by love, not fear.

The How:

There is no right or wrong way to do this, but here are a few tips:

  1. When you feel fearful about your situation and the world we are in, note it. Name it, even write it down in a journal. Then pray and ask God who you can show an extraordinary act of kindness towards.

  2. Write this down as a to do list item in your day. Just because it is spiritual, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be on your list.

  3. If someone comes to your mind, pause, pray, and consider how you can extend yourself to them.

  4. Act. Do something imperfectly in faith. This could be a text message, it could be sending them a note, a package or dropping by something to show kindness.

Need some examples to help you get started?

  • Send a text message to a friend you haven't connected with recently.

  • Write a note and mail it to someone as a source of encouragement.

  • Do the chores for someone in your home.

  • Purchase a gift and have it sent to someone else.

Then what:

Observe how this shapes your heart. Observe how the kindness compounds and makes your relationships better, your world better and your heart less fearful.



Commit to a place of local service in our community

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Practice #4: Serve Locally

The Habit:

Commit yourself to your local community in a meaningful way as an act of faith in God who cares for the place you live and has sent you to be a blessing.

The Why:

  • Wherever God’s people live in faith, that place gets better. All through scripture, from Abraham to Jacob, to Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, Jesus, Paul and Peter, the presence of the people of God brought blessing to the place they lived.

  • “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you…Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” (Jeremiah 29:7)

  • “love your neighbor as yourself…” (Mark 12:31)

  • God has carried you to this place and in the New Testament, he uses the word “sent.” We live where we are for a purpose. We seek God to fulfill the purpose of where we live now.

The How:

Many of us already have a place where we are invested into the well-being of the city to which we are called. If so, stay focused there, and if there is not as much to do, attend to the relationships with whom you serve alongside. If you do not have a place of local service, consider these questions:

  1. Are there unmet needs among my immediate neighbors that I may be rightfully positioned and equipped to champion? Do that.

  2. Is there a place that you can serve the community by serving your church? Click here for opportunities at Bridgepoint.

  1. Is there somebody or an organization doing a good thing that you come alongside and encourage.

Need some examples to help you get started?

  • If you already serve locally, reach out to the non-profit and see how you can help during this season.

  • Organize something for your small group to do together.

  • Connect with your Pastor and offer yourself to serve our community in an area of your talents.

Then what:

Be patient. Local service is usually quite inefficient at first and can be plain awkward. Persist in your availability to serve and hold loosely your expectations of results. Remember, service doesn’t make God love you more, but if you are patient with it, it will help you experience and appreciate his patient, inefficient, even awkward love for you.


 Are you ready to go deeper?
